Friday, October 14, 2011

Apple and Unrelated Food

am deeply troubled that the ideals I value are not treasured by our people. I don’t want to give some vague sense that, as a nation, we aren’t what we’re ‘spose to be. We’re not, but I want individuals to realize what’s important, effective, and powerful. I want people to have more than a naive understanding of liberty. I’ll start with patents. Apple is abusing it’s power through litigation.
Governments become a harmful force to the consumer when they hinder competition to provide goods and services by enforcing patent laws. If a person has an innovative idea to serve the end consumer, they should not have to consult the government. Charging other people for an idea they might have easily thought up or discovered themselves is flopdoodle. 
Government giving anyone money is flopdoodle, really. If my neighbor is starving (without food stamps) he’ll come to me for help. This makes me feel needed, and creates a bond of friendship. It builds communities at the local level.
Honestly, I’m not excited about my neighbor coming to me, but I’d help. Why are we comfortable with the government redistributing? Mass redistribution causes price increases in the grocery store. Only handout to the truly hurting. 
In short, the principal is liberty. Take the smallest individual and maximize his liberty. Do this mutually for all individuals and you have a free economy. We are not free. Money is efficient sharing. We have converted it into efficient stealing.

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